Frequently Asked Questions
What is the specialization of Athens Rhinology Team?
The name of the Team indicates a special interest in Rhinology. This includes the pathologic conditions, diseases, treatments and surgical procedures related to the nose and sinuses. Examples are chronic non-allergic and allergic rhinitis (hay fever), straightening of the nasal septum, aesthetic and functional rhinoplasty, endoscopic surgery for chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and tumours of the nose and sinuses.
Modern Rhinology also co-operates with relevant medical and surgical specialties to treat tumours of the anterior skull base and the pituitary gland, and eye problems such as exophthalmos due to thyroid disease or obstruction of the tears.
At the same time, as shown in various sections of this website, we deal with all the range of Otorhinolaryngology, with special focus on microsurgery of the ear and the larynx:
- Microsurgical operations of the ear for deafness, otosclerosis and chronic otitis (tympanoplasty, ossiculoplasty, mastoidectomy, stapedotomy, bone anchored hearing aids).
- Study of the professional voice and microsurgery of the larynx, with or without Laser.
- Diagnostic evaluation and treatment of snoring and sleep apnoea.
Is it true that the operation for straightening of the nasal septum is painful?
This simple operation has a bad reputation among patients, mainly because traditional methods imply the use of tight nasal packs for one or more days after surgery. Packs are uncomfortable to have inside the nose, and the procedure of their removal is also quite unpleasant or painful, depending on the packing material. We eliminated this unpleasant factor, by using an absorbable, continuous suture instead of the packing. So, the nose is not blocked by gauze or other material after the operation, and we do not need to remove anything from the nose postoperatively. The patient may have a mild blockage of the nose for a few days after the op, but it is clear that no pain is anticipated.
I have a chronic sinus problem. Do I need to have any special tests done before my first appointment with you?
For the study of chronic sinus problems (sinusitis, polyps, tumours of the nose and sinuses), we usually need a recent, high-definition sinus CT-scan. It would be ideal if this CT scan could be done with a special examination protocol, which allows detailed study on the computer and use in the operation theatre, when indicated. So, please contact our front desk for instructions before your appointment. For patients coming from abroad or from places out of Athens, we can arrange for the test to be done on the same day of the appointment. If you wish to book for a Skype appointment, our front desk will give you detailed instructions on how to do the required exams and how to send them over the internet before your appointment.
If you have already had a CT or MRI scan, please bring them with you at your appointment. Any further investigations needed will be arranged at a second stage.
At which private hospital can I have my operation?
As of September 2018, we have exclusive co-operation with Athens Medical Center (Iatriko Athinon) in Maroussi, Athens. Children are admitted to Athens Paediatric Center, next door. Our Office is at the address shown in the respective section of this website.
Do you co-operate with Private Insurance Companies?
Although Athens Rhinology Team does not have direct contracts with private insurance companies, Athens Medical Center, where you will have your operation, has contracts with most of them, so your admission and/or operation will be probably covered, either directly or indirectly. Our secretary and the International Patient Department of the hospital will contact your insurance consultant or company, to ensure the highest possible coverage allowed by your health insurance contract.
Bank Accounts
For your convenience, you may use the following bank account:
IBAN: GR41 0140 3620 36200 23200 01701
(Account Holder: Athens Rhinology Team)
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard, either on site at the office or on line, in the e-commerce section.